Children & Young People
Children and young people are part of our life together
Children and young people are integral to the life of Croydon Minster and they play a deep and growing part in our life. Our vision of the Church is intergenerational, where people of all ages flourish and grow in the Faith and all are welcome at the principal Eucharist each Sunday at 10am.
Children and Young People in the Liturgy
Children and young people, aged 7 and above, serve at the altar, sing in our choirs, read and lead prayers at services. From their first days all children are welcome in the church during the Liturgy.
Children’s Corner in the Church
During the Sunday Eucharist “we welcome children in church so children and their parents and carers can be in church to see, hear, sense, smell and touch the presence of God here”.
Children and Families Catechist
We believe that parents are the primary catechists (teachers in Christianity) of their children. The wider Church should always support and encourage parents in that task. Our Children and Families Catechist is available to support and discuss with parents and carers ways of encouraging faith in children. If you wish to contact our Children and Families Catechist
Older Children and Young People
We believe that the Christian tradition is rich and deep and that it can feed the souls and imaginations of the young as much as anyone. We offer regular sessions of catechesis and opportunities for young people to come together to grow in faith.
This parish takes the safeguarding and care of children (and vulnerable adults) very seriously. Everyone working with children in the church works within the church’s Safeguarding Policy. For more information visit
If there is anything you wish to report or share with our Parish Safeguarding Officer please contact
The Minster Schools
Our parish schools are the Minster Junior School and Minster Nursery and Infant School. See the schools’ websites for more details: Minster Junior School and Minster Nursery and Infant School
Children aged 7 and above may also join one of the choirs or the serving team.