The Minster provides young singers with a unique musical education and gives adults of all abilities the opportunity to sing the finest works of the sacred choral repertoire. In recent years, the choirs have performed with the London Mozart Players and the English Cornett & Sackbut Ensemble; and strong links exist between the music department and the Minster Schools and the schools of the Whitgift Foundation. Croydon Minster is an associate member of the Choir Schools’ Association
Croydon Minster has flourishing choirs of boy and girl choristers. The choirs rehearse and perform separately, coming together for special services and concerts throughout the year.
Click here for more information about the Minster Boys’ Choir.
Click here for more information about the Minster Girls’ Choir.
Choral Scholars
Boys continue in the choir until their voices change and girls remain in the girls’ choir up to the age of 16. Boys with broken or changed voices and girls over the age of 16 are referred to as Choral Scholars. This group sings occasional services by itself and the Choral Scholars sing regularly with the Lower Voices on Sundays. Choral Scholarships are designed to help prepare young singers for Oxbridge entrance.
Lower Voices
The lower voices of the choir are made up of four constituent parts: dedicated and talented volunteers, some of whom are professional musicians; Graduate Music Assistants from Whitgift School; junior choral scholars (teenagers who were formerly choristers); and four paid section leaders.
Whitgift-Minster Choral Society
The Whitgift-Minster Choral Society is a massed choir made up of singers from both the Whitgift School and Croydon Minster communities, working towards high-quality performances of big choral works with orchestra. The Choral Society is very much a project-driven choir and rehearsals take place during one term each year on Tuesdays from 7-8.30pm in the Concert Hall of Whitgift School. For more information, please contact the Director of Music at the Minster office on 020 8688 8104.
Joining the Minster Choirs
The choirs of Croydon Minster are open to singers of all religious backgrounds. Each choir has its own audition process and the Director of Music is always pleased to talk to prospective members. Please contact him at the Minster office on 020 8688 8104.